
AI training that goes beyond tools and delivers real-world results – Monica Higgins, MBA

“What sets Simple Academy apart is its focus on training that shows people how to use AI to be more productive in their specific roles, based on real-world feedback.”

Monica Higgins, MBA
Managing Partner at Vector Executives

As I transitioned out of the construction industry, I was looking for ways to transition from that industry. I knew AI was a direction I wanted to go.

I was looking at training programs probably since probably April of 2023. And I’ve taken a few of them. And what I noticed was they were all so focused on tools and not necessarily showing how people can be more productive in their specific roles.

Thinking back on Steve’s original, Steve Cunningham’s original hypothesis, he’s the founder, his original hypothesis about focusing on tools and how that’s evolved to focusing on the training to show people how to use the tools to do their work.

And the feedback is coming from the tweaks to the program and coming from real world feedback from the consultants themselves, from the clients that they’re serving. So it’s not just something abstract. It’s based on real feedback on what people are actually doing.

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